Where It All Began

I have always surrounded myself with the environment and the wildlife within it. I studied Animal Management in college and went on to graduating from University with a degree in Wildlife Conservation and Zoo Biology. Since then I have worked with animals that originate from all over the world and with it I learnt about their habitats, the threats they face and the constant battle to try and protect not only the animals facing extinction but also their environments. One of their major threats is the man-made plastic pollution surrounding their habitats.
From this I changed my way of living. Making small changes to what I bought and what companies I supported. But it wasn't until I brought children in to the world, that I stopped and realised what I was doing just wasn't enough. I wanted to do more, to help other people find it easier to purchase natural, environmentally friendly products that are less damaging to the world. To give my children a better chance at growing up in a world that's not covered in plastic waste and maybe they will have more of a chance to see animals thrive in their natural habitats.
So I decided to open an online eco-friendly shop, to not only offer better alternatives when shopping but also give back and help our native wildlife!
Nicole Roberts

As a business focusing on stocking products that are environmentally friendly, we don't want to just stop there. One of our goals is to make a difference by using profits to help our UK wildlife. With our WILDLIFE COLLECTION we use part of our profits from each product sold and put them into different projects, to protect our British native wildlife and help them thrive! Visit our WILDLIFE COLLECTION to see our different projects and help us with our goals!
We also try to support other businesses with their projects. We support Ecosia by using them as our default browser. Ecosia uses the profits made from our searches to tackle deforestation all over the world. You can support them too by setting their search engine as your default browser by clicking on their logo above!
When searching for new brands to stock in our store we also research their ethos and if they give back to any causes such as; Helen Round a British designer who uses ethically sourced materials. Beeautiful donate money from their sales to Friends of the Honeybee, a charity established to research in to the Honeybees declining numbers. EcoLiving plant trees via Eden Reforestation Projects which focuses on reforestation, agroforestry, and reducing extreme poverty through employment of local villagers. They are also a member of 1% for the Planet. You can find more about our the brands we are working with here